Sunday, February 24, 2008

Care Group Pictures :)

After realizing that I only ever take pictures at work, I totted my camera around with me this weekend, and actually remembered to use it at care group today. I figure since I talk so much about my *amazing* care group, it might be nice to put some faces with names...

Chris, part of Paul, Megan, Taquan (Adam and Ruth's son) and Adam. This is about half of my care group, and they are such a blessing and one of the reasons why I LOVE Louisville!

Stephenie (and Rose, her daughter), Cari and Ruth--three ladies that God has truly blessed my life with! They are so encouraging, and I praise God for their honesty, humility, and love-- and their example of what it means to be a godly woman!

Me with Miyleah (Adam and Ruth's daughter). Miyleah is my sweet girl!!! (don't mind my hair!)

Owen (Chris and Cari's son) has the right idea about the proper way to utilize a treadmill... :)

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